Threshold thinking offers a newly emerging perspective on our world and ourselves.

It draws on many sources, ancient and contemporary,

and requires some considerable revising of old habits and assumptions in thinking.

It is applicable to all disciplines, secular and spiritual.

The Threshold referred to is the interface, the critical level of transition,

between the pre-physical and the physical-material realms of being,

and between the two primal polar opposite forces of the cosmos, levity and gravity,

which manifest as expansion and contraction.


Familiar examples of such thresholds in the physical world would be the boiling point

and freezing point of water, and at a more subtle level,

the transitional phase between waking and sleeping consciousness.

A subsidiary physical polarity would be, for example,

the positive and negative poles of a battery.

This practical approach to to understanding the nature of wellness and illness

evolves from the three basic universal Threshold principles:

consciousness, polarity and resonance.

The power of that knowledge enables coherent, functional diagnoses and prognoses

of symptom patterns to be made, and the potential for healing to be assessed.


It’s assumed that all symptoms tell a story about the life in question,

through the evidence of where, when and how they manifest, since nothing happens out of nothing.

The Threshold approach transcends and can thus enhance both the Western materialistic

and other more mystical ways of addressing illness.

It’s not about ‘fixing’ symptoms or trying to ‘cure’ this or that named condition.

It’s more about enabling self-healing to proceed in a practical way,

inspired and empowered by an understanding of one’s place and part

in the greater natural and cosmic order.


In this respect, the function of Threshold Wellness/Illness somewhat resembles

the way a psychologist may be asked to investigate why a particular individual or organisation

is under-performing, even though the psychologist is not a specialist

in the field of activity in question.

In these situations, there may well arise some resentment at an open-minded,

inquisistive outsider coming into a previously enclosed world –

to assess its shortcomings and suggest improvements in how it functions.


Threshold Wellness/Illness is not an alternative discipline in opposition

to current orthodox medicine.

However, it does enable the whole range of orthodox medicine and its practitioners to be observed

doing what they do within their greater cosmic context.

That’s due to the powerful overview and penetrating insights gained from the Threshold perspective,

as described in Notes from the Threshold, also available FREE as a download from

This is an open-ended ‘work in progress’, intended to be periodically updated.


FREE DOWNLOAD: Threshold Wellness/Illness (pdf)